Creation Clues Blog


Hello...I'm Jennifer Lynn Taylor, testifying to the "truth" about my Creator...Welcome to my site.
If you love God's beautiful creation, please be sure to check out my "Creation Clues Blog" where I "Testify2Truth" about my Father's glory. When you visit my "Book" page in the menu bar, you may discover more "truth" from God's own "words" to us in "CREATION STRUCTURE CLUES," which is also available for download.
My hope is that you will also rejoice and find rest and peace in the Presence of the Lord through the music on each page with the audio or video players. While you are here, be sure to check out more on my "Music" and "Videos" pages.
It has been said that "a picture is worth a thousand words." So while meditating upon God's "words" about His creation, be sure to check out the multiple "Gallery" pages in the menu bar to see some amazing photos of His beautiful handiwork! (Click the "Gallery" in order to view our Father's "Boundary Truth" first...the rest will appear underneath.)
The Lord bless you, and I pray that you will join me in pursuit of the One who is called "Faithful and True" in Revelation 19:11. Enjoy!
Tehillah Togs

Open Ears & Open Eyes...Hear & See No More Lies...TRUTH BEHOLDING & BELIEVING
Renewing our mind through hearing and meditating on the Word of God...our eyes are opened to SEE our Father and His workmanship as He is and how He really made it. Over the years, I have written a lot of music, some of which was inspired by loving and beholding my Creator while enjoying His beautiful creation around me. These are LIVE worship sessions of my prayer time which also share my testimony of Him, while being adorned with His robe of righteousness, garments of salvation, and praise (AKA=Togs). Sit back, draw near to Him with me, and rest in His Presence. Be blessed in Jesus' name!

If you need prayer, or have any questions or comments about my ministry, please fill out the contact form below. God bless you, and thank you for continuing to "Testify2Truth" with me!